Armageddon, Limited

by Jeremy Streeter (

From the Spellbook of Grim Juqua

Human (30)

1 mile per level<DT>VSM
1 year<DT>AE
3x3 cubicmilesperlvl<DT>ST

Spell description

This spell is used only by the darkest of sorcerors and most powerful. It totally corrupts the land, air, and, water upon which it was cast. The initial affects are instantly noticable. The spells affect occurs immediately, then slowly progresses into raw destructive forces. Volcanoes, earthquakes, freak storms, and curses fall upon the places of which this spell has been cast. The land it self gets no saving throw, but this spell may be countered in affect, and the place of affect by the spell can be restored to normal. This cannot occur unless a mage of equal power casts a life growing spell, such as a high level priest spell growing forests, etc. Limited Armageddon lasts 1 day per level of the caster.

Created using Sylvain Robert's form by the person whose name appears at the top of the page. Compiled for the Wanderer's WWW server. Site managed by Sylvain Robert