ADnD Downloads


Fight Tracker

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Software Tool
D&D 5th Edition
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A 100% online tool that will help you, as a D&D dungeons master, to easily follow encounters:

  • Dice roller
  • PC definition (name, AC, dex bonus, initiative, max and current hp, conditions, counter which value decreases by 1 each round, notes)
  • Creature definiton (automatic data load via the monster manual and full stat block display)
  • Initiative rolls (automatic roll with a single click for all creatures and/or PC)
  • Round monitoring (the app will show you intuitively, round by round, who's turn it is to play, in descending order of initiative of all participants)
  • Import/export of your pre-established PC list and/or encounters
  • Creatures' attack and damage rolls (possibility to roll with a single click any attack roll or damage from the stat block)

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